陈千懿, 高立克, 陈绍南, 肖静
广西电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,南宁 530023
Lightweight magnetic coupling structure for wireless charging of UAV
Chen Qianyi, Gao Like, Chen Shaonan, Xiao Jing
Guangxi Power Grid Electric Power Research Intitute, Nanning 530023
摘要 针对现在广泛应用的电力巡检无人机存在的充电自主化水平低问题,本文设计了基于磁耦合谐振原理的无线充电系统。针对目前广泛采用的具有对中机构的“固定机场”,通过COMSOL仿真分析3种不同磁耦合机构的磁路分布、磁场强度及抗偏移性能,发现螺线管型磁耦合机构耦合系数高、磁通密度大、抗偏移性能更好。进一步分析了LCC-S电路拓扑结构,并基于此设计了无线充电系统参数并搭建了样机系统。实验结果表明,所设计的无人机无线充电系统接收线圈质量为69g,可以实现100W的功率输出,整机效率达到了80.27%。研究成果为高效轻量化的无人机无线充电系统设计提供了一种有益的参考。
关键词 :
无人机 ,
无线充电 ,
螺线管型 ,
耦合机构 ,
Abstract :In view of the low level of charging autonomy in the widely used electric patrol UAV, this paper designs a wireless charging system based on the principle of magnetic coupling resonance. Aiming at the “fixed airport” with centering mechanism which is widely used at present, Through COMSOL simulation, the magnetic circuit distribution, magnetic field strength and anti drift performance of three different magnetic coupling mechanisms are analyzed. It is found that the solenoid type magnetic coupling mechanism has high coupling coefficient, high magnetic flux density and better anti drift performance. Further analysis of the LCC-S circuit topology, the design of wireless charging system parameters and building a prototype system is based on this. The experimental results show that the weight of the receiving coil of the wireless charging system is 69g, which can achieve 100W power output, and the efficiency of the whole system is 80.27%. The research results provide a useful reference for the design of wireless charging system of UAV.
Key words :
wireless charging
solenoid type
coupling mechanism
收稿日期: 2019-11-14
作者简介 : 陈千懿(1991-),男,广西南宁人,硕士,助理工程师,主要从事配电网分析、配电自动化等研究工作。
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Chen Qianyi, Gao Like, Chen Shaonan, Xiao Jing. Lightweight magnetic coupling structure for wireless charging of UAV. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 15-20.
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