江苏省送变电有限公司,南京 210028
A study of dual active bridge DC-DC modulation mode
Zhu Qingrong
Jiangsu Diversion Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210028
摘要 双有源桥的体积小、质量轻和效率高等优点受到广泛关注,已被应用于各个领域。本文首先对该拓扑建立数学模型,确定与之相关的控制参数;其次分析并比较了传统单移相控制方式和双重移相控制原理,并推导出传输电流和传输功率的数学模型;最后通过仿真软件验证了不同负荷、不同电压下,两种控制方式的优缺点。
关键词 :
双有源桥 ,
控制模式 ,
电流应力 ,
Abstract :The dual active bridge has received much attention recently, which has been widely used in many fields because of its small size, light weight, high efficiency and so on. Firstly the topological establish mathematical model, determine the relevant control parameters; analysis and comparison of the traditional single phase-shift control mode and dual phase shifting control principle, and push to export the transport current and the transmission power of the mathematical model. Finally the simulation software verify the difference of control methods for the advantages and disadvantages at different load and different voltage level.
Key words :
dual active bridge
control mode
current stress
收稿日期: 2019-12-11
作者简介 : 竺庆茸(1991-),男,硕士,主要研究方向为新能源并网及发电技术。
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