肖欣辉1 , 兰志勇1 , 蔡兵兵2
1.湘潭大学,湖南 湘潭 411105; 2.江麓机电集团有限公司,湖南 湘潭 411105
Optimization of pole structure of interior “—” type permanent magnet synchronous motor
XIAO Xinhui1 , LAN Zhiyong1 , CAI Bingbing2
1. Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hu'nan 411105; 2. Jianglu Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd, Xiangtan, Hu'nan 411105
摘要 本文在12槽10极传统内置式一字型永磁同步电动机基础上,提出一种不等厚梭型偏心永磁体磁极形状。首先以空载气隙磁通密度正弦度及齿槽转矩为优化目标,给出不等厚梭型偏心磁极结构气隙磁通密度解析模型;然后结合内置式永磁同步电动机等效磁路法模型进行推导,编写Matlab程序进行求解计算,利用有限元分析软件进行仿真。计算与仿真结果表明,不等厚梭型偏心磁极结构能有效提高电动机空载气隙磁通密度波形正弦度,同时削弱齿槽转矩。
关键词 :
内置式永磁同步电动机 ,
气隙磁通密度 ,
磁极形状 ,
Abstract :This paper presents a shuttle shaped eccentric permanent magnet pole shape with unequal thickness based on a known type of 12 slots and 10 poles of traditional interior “—” type permanent magnet synchronous motor. Firstly, an analytical model of the shuttle-type pole structure with different thickness is derived by taking sinusoidal degree of the no-load air-gap flux density and cogging torque as the optimization objectives. Then, the equivalent magnetic circuit model of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor is deduced, and the program is written to solve the calculation in Matlab. The finite element analysis software is used for simulation. The calculation and simulation results show that the structure of the shuttle eccentric pole with different thickness can effectively improve the sinusoidal degree of the no-load air gap magnetic density waveform while weakening the cogging torque.
Key words :
interior permanent magnet synchronous motor
air-gap magnetic density
pole shape
cogging torque
收稿日期: 2021-04-03
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(51507148); 风力发电机组及控制湖南省重点实验室开放研究基金(2016FLFDYB02)
作者简介 : 肖欣辉(1991—),男,湖南省娄底人,硕士研究生,研究方向为永磁同步电机设计。
肖欣辉, 兰志勇, 蔡兵兵. 内置式一字型永磁同步电动机磁极结构优化设计[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(11): 7-11.
XIAO Xinhui, LAN Zhiyong, CAI Bingbing. Optimization of pole structure of interior “—” type permanent magnet synchronous motor. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(11): 7-11.
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