杨远航1 , 解良1 , 陈鹏2 , 钱兵2 , 殷怀统2
1.云南电力调度控制中心,昆明 650011; 2.云南电网有限责任公司文山供电局,云南 文山 663000
Blocking logic of phase selection closing device based on frequency deviation and trail deviation
YANG Yuanhang1 , XIE Liang1 , CHEN Peng2 , QIAN Bing2 , YIN Huaitong2
1. Yunnan Power Dispatching Control Center, Kunming 650011; 2. Wenshan Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd, Wenshan, Yunnan 663000
摘要 选相合闸装置动作命令错误可能导致设备损坏并危及系统运行。针对选相合闸动作风险缺乏有效辨识和应对措施的问题,本文提出频率偏差和试探偏差相结合的动作风险辨识方法,考虑变压器和交流滤波器对投切安全性和成功率的不同需求,分别设计适用于二者投切工况的闭锁逻辑。闭锁逻辑提升了对选相合闸装置的动作风险辨识能力,兼顾变压器和交流滤波器不同的投切需求,可有效降低设备损坏和系统冲击风险。
关键词 :
选相合闸 ,
频率偏差 ,
试探偏差 ,
风险辨识 ,
Abstract :The action command error of the phase selection closing device may cause damage to the equipment and endanger the operation of the system. Aim at the lack of effective identification and countermeasures against the action risk of phase selection closing, a method of action risk identification based on frequency deviation and trial deviation is proposed. Considering the different needs of safety and success rate for transformer and AC filter, the blocking logic is designed separately. The blocking logic improves the ability of identifying the operation risk of the phase selection closing device, and takes account of the different switching requirements of the transformer and the AC filter. It can effectively reduce the risk of equipment damage and system impact.
Key words :
phase selection closing
frequency deviation
trial deviation
risk identification
blocking logic
收稿日期: 2021-06-15
作者简介 : 杨远航(1990—),男,硕士,工程师,从事电力系统继电保护技术管理工作。
杨远航, 解良, 陈鹏, 钱兵, 殷怀统. 基于频率偏差和试探偏差的选相合闸闭锁逻辑[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(11): 98-103.
YANG Yuanhang, XIE Liang, CHEN Peng, QIAN Bing, YIN Huaitong. Blocking logic of phase selection closing device based on frequency deviation and trail deviation. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(11): 98-103.
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