谢金莲, 曾彬华, 招康杰, 赖沛鑫
广州白云电器设备股份有限公司,广州 510000
Application scheme of subway power supply system engineering based on system exchange description file
XIE Jinlian, ZENG Binhua, ZHAO Kangjie, LAI Peixin
Guangzhou Baiyun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510000
摘要 本文介绍了地铁供电系统的组网结构,并对地铁供电系统现有的工程配置方案进行分析。结合地铁供电系统的供电网络特点,提出一种基于系统交换描述(SED)文件的地铁供电系统工程配置应用方案,并通过测试验证了该方案的有效性。
关键词 :
系统交换描述(SED)文件 ,
工程配置应用方案 ,
Abstract :This paper introduces the network structure of subway power supply system and analyzes the existing project configuration scheme of subway power supply system. Based on the characteristics of subway power supply system, an application scheme of subway power supply system engineering configuration based on system exchange description (SED) file is proposed, and the validity of the scheme is verified by test.
Key words :
system exchange description (SED) file
engineering configuration application scheme
system configuration description (SCD) file
收稿日期: 2021-12-09
作者简介 : 谢金莲(1993—),女,广东省江门市人,助理工程师,主要从事继电保护方面研究工作。
谢金莲, 曾彬华, 招康杰, 赖沛鑫. 基于SED文件的地铁供电系统工程配置应用方案[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(5): 81-85.
XIE Jinlian, ZENG Binhua, ZHAO Kangjie, LAI Peixin. Application scheme of subway power supply system engineering based on system exchange description file. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(5): 81-85.
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