中国计量大学现代科技学院,浙江 义乌 322002
Economic analysis of offshore full DC wind farm
SUN Guanqun
College of Modern Science and Technology, China Jiliang University, Yiwu, Zhejiang 322002
摘要 首先对典型海上高压全直流风电场结构进行初步分析,将其中性能相对较高的串-并联和新型混联矩阵两种结构作为研究重点,以成本-效益为中心,考虑可靠性,尤其是结合个别机组停机带来的不同影响等动态因素,通过理论推导建立两种结构的动态成本-效益分析模型;然后利用该模型,以某实际风电场数据为例进行定量分析,详细比较两种结构的经济性优劣,得出了基于混联矩阵结构的全直流风电场经济性优于串-并联结构直流风电场的结论。
关键词 :
海上风电场 ,
全直流汇集 ,
经济性 ,
混联矩阵结构 ,
串-并联结构 ,
Abstract :Firstly, this paper makes a preliminary analysis of the structure of a typical offshore high-voltage full DC wind farm. Focusing on the comparative study of the series-parallel structure and the new hybrid matrix structure, the dynamic cost-benefit analysis model of the two structures is established by theoretical derivation, with the cost-benefit as the core and considering the reliability. The economic advantages and disadvantages of the two structures are quantitatively compared in detail, and it is concluded that the economy of the full DC wind farm based on the hybrid matrix structure is better than the series parallel structure.
Key words :
offshore wind farm
full DC convergence
hybrid matrix structure
series- parallel structure
cost-benefit analysis model
收稿日期: 2023-04-06
基金资助: 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY20E070006)
作者简介 : 孙冠群(1974—),男,浙江省杭州市人,硕士,副教授,主要从事风力发电、电力电子技术等方面的研究工作。
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