朱钾, 于保华
中车大同电力机车有限公司,山西 大同 037038
Optimization and renovation of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit
ZHU Jia, YU Baohua
CRRC Datong Co., Ltd, Datong, Shanxi 037038
摘要 本文通过分析HXD2型机车高压绝缘检测装置的系统组成、工作原理,指出高压绝缘检测装置存在的问题。为了有效延长高压绝缘检测装置的使用寿命、提高机车运用率,本文提出HXD2六轴机车高压绝缘检测回路优化方案。
关键词 :
高压绝缘检测装置 ,
回路优化 ,
使用寿命 ,
Abstract :In this paper, the system composition and working principle of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection device are introduced, and the problems existing in the high voltage insulation detection device are pointed out. In order to effectively prolong the service life of the high voltage insulation detection device and improve the locomotive service rate, the optimization scheme of HXD2 six-axle locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit is put forward.
Key words :
high voltage insulation detection device
circuit optimization
service life
locomotive service rate
收稿日期: 2024-04-16
作者简介 : 朱 钾(1991—),男,山西大同人,硕士,工程师,从事机车电气设计工作。
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ZHU Jia, YU Baohua. Optimization and renovation of HXD2 locomotive high voltage insulation detection circuit. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 71-74.
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