山东中实易通集团有限公司,济南 250002
AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant in Medium Voltage Busbar CT Polarity Checking Method
Zhang Kai, Wang Mingtao
Shandong Zhongshi Yitong Group, Ji’nan 250002
摘要 从10.5kV厂用中压母线差动保护原理出发,探讨了中压母线差动保护CT极性的校验方法,详细分析了一次通流试验方法在AP1000核电站的中压母线差动保护CT极性校验中的应用、试验的设备容量计算及设备选型方法和试验程序,解决了AP1000核电站中压母线投运前其差动保护CT极性校验难题。并对两种校验方法的优劣进行了对比分析。
关键词 :
厂用中压母线 ,
差动保护 ,
极性校验 ,
Abstract :From 10.5 kV plant in medium voltage busbar differential protection principle, discusses the medium voltage busbar differential protection CT polarity checking method, analyzed the flow test method of AP1000 nuclear power station in a medium voltage busbar differential protection, the application of CT polarity checking and test equipment capacity calculation and equipment selection method and the test procedure, solve the medium voltage busbar AP1000 nuclear power station put into operation before the differential protection CT polarity checking problem. And compares the merits of the two calibration methods of analysis .
Key words :
plant medium voltage busbar
differential protection
polarity check
收稿日期: 2014-07-30
出版日期: 2014-01-23
作者简介 : 张凯(1984-),男,助理工程师,主要从事火电机组及核电机组的电气专业调试工作。
张凯,王明涛. AP1000核电站厂用中压母线CT极性校验方法[J]. 电气技术, 2014, 15(01): 68-70.
Zhang Kai, Wang Mingtao. AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant in Medium Voltage Busbar CT Polarity Checking Method. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(01): 68-70.
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