卢建华, 曹效义, 菅晓清
内蒙古电力勘测设计院有限责任公司, 呼和浩特 010020
Earth and Earth-electrode Network in Substation
Lu Jianhua, Cao Xiaoyi, Jian Xiaoqing
Inner Mongolia Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, Hohhot 010020
摘要 就变电站内几类接地及其接地网的功能作用做了阐述, 基于每种接地网的功用论述了其相应的连接方法和敷设要求, 同时阐述了站内各种须接地设备应与哪层地网连接。列出几类接地网之间的区别, 指导设计及施工过程中不得混淆或互相替代。同时提出了变电站内继保室、开关柜室、电缆沟内须敷设专用的、可见的专用保护接地网的新观点。
关键词 :
等电位接地网 ,
保护接地网 ,
抗干扰接地网 ,
Abstract :Earthing of the substation is presented, there is some kind of earth-electrode network. the function of each earth-electrode network in the substation is expound in this paper. Method and requirement about earthing is expound according it’s function. A new view is presented that the definite purpose protective ground network is needed in the substation.
Key words :
equiptential ground
protective ground
anti-interference ground
earth neutral
出版日期: 2014-12-22
作者简介 : 卢建华(1976-), 男(汉族), 内蒙古乌兰察布市卓资县人, 本科, 工程师, 主要从事电气设计工作。
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Lu Jianhua, Cao Xiaoyi, Jian Xiaoqing. Earth and Earth-electrode Network in Substation. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(12): 127-131.
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