李宝云1 , 孟珑2 , 田川3
1. 中国石油工程设计有限公司华北分公司电气自控室,河北 任丘 062552; 2. 中国石油工程设计有限公司北京分公司电气工程室,北京 100085; 3. 中国石油集团华北石化公司,河北 任丘 062552
The Application of LED Lamps in Products Oil Depot
Li Baoyun1 , Meng Long2 , Tian Chuan3
1. China petroleum engineering Co., Ltd, Huabei Company, Renqiu, Hebei 062552; 2. China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing Company, Beijing 10085; 3. Petrochina North China Petrochemical Company, Renqiu, Hebei 062552
摘要 本文通过实际工程中应用较多的节能荧光灯、金卤灯和LED灯具做比较,利用DIAlux软件进行计算达到标准照度所需灯具的功率及数量,系统的介绍和比较LED灯具所具有的优缺点,为LED灯具的选择提供理论依据。
关键词 :
LED灯具 ,
实际应用 ,
照度计算 ,
Abstract :In this paper, compare fluorescent lamp, metal halide and LED in the practical application project, and use the software DIAlux to calculate the power and number of the lamps to attain the standard. To provide a theoretical basis for the selection of LED lamps through introducing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the LED lamps.
Key words :
LED lamps
practical application
illumination calculation
DIAlux simulation
出版日期: 2014-12-22
作者简介 : 李宝云(1983-)男, 研究生, 从事方向:供配电设计。
李宝云, 孟珑, 田川. LED灯具在成品油库中的应用[J]. 电气技术, 2014, 15(11): 55-58.
Li Baoyun, Meng Long, Tian Chuan. The Application of LED Lamps in Products Oil Depot. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(11): 55-58.
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