航天科工海鹰集团有限公司,北京 100074
Research on Control Method and Simulation of Micro Turbogenerator
Zhang Xiaoli, Jiang Qian, Yuan Ning
Seahawks Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd,Beijing 100074
摘要 本文通过对微燃机发电站的组成及工作特性的研究,结合涡轮轴发动机的特性图提取了微燃机主要部件的数学模型,运用FORTRAN和Labview搭建了微燃机发电站系统的仿真平台。依据微燃机发电站的工作原理,对发动机转速和排气温度进行解耦,得到了功率环、温度环及转速环控制策略。试验证明,仿真平台能够对微燃机发电站的全部工作过程进行仿真模拟,使设计的控制策略得到了有效的验证。仿真数据与试验数据的对比结果说明,通过仿真平台验证得到的发动机控制策略能够使微燃机发电站稳定、可靠的工作。
关键词 :
微型燃气轮机 ,
发电站 ,
控制规律 ,
Abstract :In this paper, through the study of micro gas composition and working characteristics of diesel power station, combined with the characteristics of turbo shaft engine from the mathematical model of micro turbine components, using FORTRAN and Labview simulation platform of micro combustion system in power station. Based on the working principle of micro gas turbine power station, to decouple the rotation speed of the engine and the exhaust gas temperature, the control strategy of power, temperature and speed ring ring ring. Test certificate, the simulation platform can simulate the entire process of micro gas turbine power station, the design of the control strategy is verified by. Comparison of simulation data and experimental data shows, engine control strategies are verified through the simulation platform can make the micro gas turbine power station is stable, reliable work.
Key words :
micro gas turbine
power station
control law
出版日期: 2015-02-10
作者简介 : 詹晓丽(1984-),女,北京市人,硕士研究生,主要从事控制理论与控制工程方面的研究。
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Zhang Xiaoli, Jiang Qian, Yuan Ning. Research on Control Method and Simulation of Micro Turbogenerator. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 53-59.
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