Harmonic Impedance Measurement and Harmonic Source Identification Method is Discussed |
Lu Weiming,Nie Yixiong,Lv Mengli |
Faculty of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract For harmonic source identification in power grid harmonic responsibility quantitative and distinguish the basis of this power quality research questions, describes the harmonic impedance measurement method and harmonic source identification research present situation, discussed all sorts of harmonic source identification and quantitative determination of harmonic responsibility theory and technical methods, finally the development trend of power system harmonic measurement is presented.
Published: 19 May 2015
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Lu Weiming,Nie Yixiong,Lv Mengli. Harmonic Impedance Measurement and Harmonic Source Identification Method is Discussed[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(05): 62-65.
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