Research and Application of Reactive Power Optimization in Distribution Systems based on 10kV Line Compensation |
You Jianzhang1, Lu Qingping2, Gao Wei1, Guo Moufa1, Yang Gengjie1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. State Grid Fujian Zhangping County Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd, Zhangping, Fujian 364400 |
Abstract A reactive power optimized system based on 10kV line compensation is developed to avoid the disadvantage of reactive power compensation in low voltage side that is difficult in operating status of the whole network. Best compensated position and maximum compensation capacity was created by the method of forward-back sweep power flow algorithm, FCM clustering, genetic algorithms. And then a high voltage reactive compensation device was applied to real-time collect the load information in distribution network so as to send the information to PC. Optimal compensation capacity and switching strategy of capacitor were created by PC software to call Matlab optimization algorithm. Protocol library was applied to enhance the applicability of high voltage reactive compensation device.
Published: 20 July 2015
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You Jianzhang,Lu Qingping,Gao Wei等. Research and Application of Reactive Power Optimization in Distribution Systems based on 10kV Line Compensation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(07): 63-67.
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