Application of the Stochastic Subspace Identification Method in Harmonic Energy Measurement |
Ma Liang |
Anqiu Power Supply Company, Shandong Electric Power Corporation, Weifang, Shandong 262100 |
Abstract The commonly used of energy measurement method is that measure the fundamental and harmonic energy respectively in the grid. However, there is a difficult issues that how to measure the harmonic energy accurately. The fast fourier transform cannot identify the harmonic phase, and the wavelet transform method is difficult to select of wavelet base wave. This paper used the stochastic subspace identification method (SSI) to identify harmonic parameters. Firstly, identify the harmonic parameters of voltage and current base on SSI in the grid. Then work out the harmonic energy which realize the accurate measurement of harmonic energy. The simulation results show that the SSI could identify harmonic parameters accurately and rapidly, which laid a theoretical foundation for the energy measurement.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
Cite this article: |
Ma Liang. Application of the Stochastic Subspace Identification Method in Harmonic Energy Measurement[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 40-44.
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