Electric Filed of EHV Transmission Lines under Condition of Complex Landscape |
Wu Xiaoyan,Xue Yuqiang,Huang Yuncheng |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116 |
Abstract To precise research of the power frequency electric field under the condition of complex landscapes, based on the finite element analysis method, got the wire’s lowest sag part by catenaries’ formula, a mathematical model of landscape and the calculation model of 500kV AC EHV transmission line were made respectively to analysis the distribution of electric field. The electric filed of EHV Transmission Lines approximately perpendicular to the ground and symmetric about the center of the transmission line when EHV Transmission Lines are double circuit and the same phase sequence, the electric filed decreases with the distance from the center increasing. The electric field in the same position is different under different landscape, the electric field in 1.5 meters from the ground is least when the ground is flat. Conversely, it’s largest under concave ground. The calculation model considering complex landscape greatly improves the accuracy of the power frequency electric field and has a certain reference value for the electric study of non-plain transmission line.
Published: 28 September 2015
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Wu Xiaoyan,Xue Yuqiang,Huang Yuncheng. Electric Filed of EHV Transmission Lines under Condition of Complex Landscape[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 7-10.
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