Development of a New Type Current Transformer Polarity Tester |
Wu Qiong1,Ning Guoli1,Wang Zhiyuan1,Deng Zhiyang2,Wang Tianhui2 |
1. Chengnan Branch of Tianjin Electric Power Corporation, Tianjin 300201; 2. Wuhan Haomai Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430223 |
Abstract Current transformer is one of the key equipment of electric energy conversion, its accuracy will Influence relay protection. Traditional current transformer polarity test has the problem of complex method, long time and low efficiency. This paper designs a new type current transformer polarity tester, which can realize the synchronous switch by wireless communication. The test shows that this tester has the advantage of high accuracy, simple operation and wide application.
Published: 28 September 2015
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