Design of On-line Monitoring System based on the Four-Rotor-UAV for Electrical Equipment |
Zeng Dezhi, Chen Ruijian, Liao Xurong, Qiu Guitian, Chen Zhijian |
School of Information Engineering, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong 529020 |
Abstract This is based on the design of the design of a four-rotor UAV electrical equipment on-line monitoring system. The system includes flight control module, power detection module and a wireless charging module. Aircraft in flight stability and precise positioning on the basis of electrical equipment to collect the amount of the main electrical, thermal infrared imager movement thermal infrared image capture high-voltage lines or equipment for the assistance, timely detect faults and hazards of electrical equipment and records GPS coordinates and hidden under fault occurs, the electrical quantity which collected preliminary analysis software platform in order to determine the health of the staff of electrical equipment. At the same time increase the long wireless charging platform to ensure the aircraft’s flight distance and work.
Published: 28 October 2015
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Zeng Dezhi,Chen Ruijian,Liao Xurong等. Design of On-line Monitoring System based on the Four-Rotor-UAV for Electrical Equipment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 50-54.
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