Simulation and Application of the Improved Time Domain Model of AC EAF basaed on PSCAD |
Shi Yongjian1, Cao Xianhua1, Shi Jiansheng2 |
1. Ju-nan County Power Supply Company, Linyi, Shandong 276600; 2. College of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266590 |
Abstract AC arc furnace power load is common in power system, its nonlinear characteristics have many adverse effects on the power system, such as voltage flicker, voltage fluctuation, harmonic current and low power factor, etc. To accurately obtain the effect of electric arc furnace on the power quality of electric arc furnace, an accurate simulation model is necessary. This paper uses PSCAD software and builds a simple arc furnace time domain simulation model base on studying the working principle of electric arc furnace and all kinds of time domain, frequency domain model, obtains the voltage flicker caused by arc furnace, the current harmonics, voltage harmonic, voltage fluctuation and other kinds of power quality problems. Finally, simulation data are compared with the measured results,proves the superiority of the model.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Shi Yongjian,Cao Xianhua,Shi Jiansheng. Simulation and Application of the Improved Time Domain Model of AC EAF basaed on PSCAD[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 29-32.
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