Lightning Disaster in Rural Power Grid Intelligent Electric Meter System In-depth Practice |
Jiang Rong, Shi Xi, Hu Dun |
State Grid JinHua Power Supply Co., Ltd, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000 |
Abstract This paper analyzed the practice effect that lightning disaster in rural power grid intelligent electric meter system in Jin Dong District Jin Hua City Zhe Jiang Province. Analyzed the reason of the effection non-satisfied with the requirement. Analyzed the cause of lightning disaster for the intelligent electric meter system, Proposing the new product design scheme with power line and signal line Multiple protection. In order to ensuring the intelligent electric meter system safety and avoiding the lightning disaster, The conclusion that we need to utilize the comprehensive scheme including lightning, ground-connection, shield, Split-flow and so on.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Jiang Rong,Shi Xi,Hu Dun. Lightning Disaster in Rural Power Grid Intelligent Electric Meter System In-depth Practice[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 128-131.
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