The Investigation of Standby Transformer as Cold Reserve in Power Plant |
Wu Pengyue, Sun Ganghu, Shao Yunpeng, Yang Shenglin, Guo Lin |
Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute, Xi’an 710032 |
Abstract For standby transformer working as cold reserve, this paper is not only focus on the operation process and basic principle of its service power switching, but also try to work out the problems which influenced its normal work. So it analyzed the reason of differential protection malfunction when transformer input with no-load and discussed the failure action of fast switching device under the long time voltage-losing in bus. Besides, the troubles like cold reserve put into system with fault and the switches tripping by some sensitive devices when the bus voltage dropped down had also been talked here. After the consideration of real situation in power plant and the judgments for problems above, this paper made an assessment of feasibility if the standby transformer could working as a cold reserve in power plant.
Published: 09 December 2015
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Wu Pengyue,Sun Ganghu,Shao Yunpeng等. The Investigation of Standby Transformer as Cold Reserve in Power Plant[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 131-134.
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