The Cooling System Analysis of SVG Power Cabinet based on ICEPAK |
Mao Zhiyun, Wang Yan, Yao Zhiguo, Zhang Cheng |
XJ Flexible Transmission System Corporation, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract With the development of power electronic technology, the advantage of SVG is obvious, SVG has been more and more widely used in the wind power plant and photovoltaic power plant, the radiator of the main electronic component IGBT get more and more attention. According to SVG cabinet structure and the arrangement of power module IGBT on SVG, the cooling system of 10kV/3MW SVG power cabinet is analyzed. The cooling process were analyzed of SVG cabinet is simulated by using finite element analysis software ICEPAK, provide the corresponding theoretical basis for the early stage design of cabinet; In addition, also discussed the influence of cooling effect on the different air duct sizes about the cabinet. To optimize the fan type selection with the aid of numerical analysis, also indicate the direction for the structural design of cabinet air duct size.
Published: 13 January 2016
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