Design and Implementation of Digital Three-Phase Emergency Power Supply |
Hu Kai, Li Ruihua, Hu Bo, Hu Hao |
Electrical Engineering of Tongji University, Shanghai 201804 |
Abstract In order to power supply the ventilation equipment of the confined compartment when urban rail vehicles power supply fails, this paper design a digital three-phase emergency inverter power supply. First, Based on analyzing the working principle of EPS, adopted two-hierarchical topology combing the Boost circuit with voltage-source three-phase full-bridge inverter circuit, Then, Based on DSP TMS320LF2407A and SVPWM control algorithm, we achieved EPS digitalized control. Moreover, we gave the hardware and software designing scheme of the control system. Finally, Development a 2kW EPS test Prototype, the results show that the digitalized three-phase EPS power supply can make stable 3-phase AC output, and the THD of output voltage less than 4%, the conversion efficiency reach 94%. Besides, the results verify the correctness of the scheme.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Hu Kai,Li Ruihua,Hu Bo等. Design and Implementation of Digital Three-Phase Emergency Power Supply[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 9-12.
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