Analysis on Commutation Failures in Shandong Multi-Infeed HVDC System |
Li Gang1, Li Shipeng2, Ji Xiaojie3 |
1. Liaocheng Power Supply Company, Liaocheng, Shandong 252000; 2. Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute CORP, Ltd, Ji’nan 250061; 3. Juancheng Power Supply Company, Juancheng, Shandong 274600 |
Abstract Based on the winter peak load operation mode data in one year, in PSASP, dynamic equivalence of Shandong power grid is made according to the research question. In PSCAD/EMTDC, the model of Shandong AC/DC hybrid power system including ±660kV Yindong HVDC project and ±800kV Humeng UHVDC project is made. In the model established, the response characteristics of HVDC system are simulated and analyzed under faults at AC side. And then the response characteristics is simulated and analyzed after the installation of SVC devices on converter bus. Research results show that most of the 500kV line faults in Shandong power grid will cause at least one HVDC project commutation failure and part of them will cause both of the two HVDC projects commutation failure. Equipped with a certain amount of reactive power compensation device in converter bus of inverter side can effectively inhibit the occurrence of commutation failure.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Li Gang,Li Shipeng,Ji Xiaojie. Analysis on Commutation Failures in Shandong Multi-Infeed HVDC System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 36-41.
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