Windows and Interpolated FFT Algorithm for Precision Phase Measurement Method Research based on Frequency Estimation with the Method of Root-MUSIC |
Wang Maofei, Bu Jing, Hou Yang |
Institute of Automation, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094 |
Abstract When the high precision phase measurement is made for the field of micro grid, the accuracy of the interpolation polynomial fitting formula formed by the use of the Windows and Interpolation FFT algorithm decreases significantly under the interference of the inter-harmonic, which will decrease the accuracy of phase measurement. In order to solve the problem above, an improved Windows and Interpolation FFT algorithm is proposed in this paper. To obtain the precise frequency of the fundamental harmonic by the use of the Root-MUSIC algorithm, getting the two corrected variables, and the wrong variables in the fitting formula above caused by long range and short range spectrum leakage is fixed. Based on the corrected variables above, the variable in phase correction formula is fixed meanwhile and the precise phase measurement can be achieved. The simulation results show that the algorithm can precisely estimate the frequency of the harmonic under the inter-harmonic disturbance, which has a high accuracy of phase measurement, and anti-noise interference ability of the proposed algorithm is strong.
Published: 22 March 2016
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Wang Maofei,Bu Jing,Hou Yang. Windows and Interpolated FFT Algorithm for Precision Phase Measurement Method Research based on Frequency Estimation with the Method of Root-MUSIC[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(3): 36-40.
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