Exploration and Practice of Operations Lean Management for Power Battery of Electric Vehicles |
Dai Yongxia |
State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company, Hangzhou 310009 |
Abstract As the core component of electric vehicle, the performance of power battery directly affects the safe and stable operation of electric vehicles. The necessity of power battery operation and maintenance lean management in electric vehicle was carried out, the practice of production management in the operation and maintenance of power battery were demonstrated, including the long-term management mechanism, the implementation of the normalization of risk prevention and control, and carry out professional maintenance operations, etc. The preliminary results of the lean management of operation and maintenance were given. The work plan for the whole life cycle management of power battery and the recycling of battery back battery were presented. It provides reference to the safe operation of power battery of electric vehicle and it's using maintenance method.
Published: 22 March 2016
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Dai Yongxia. Exploration and Practice of Operations Lean Management for Power Battery of Electric Vehicles[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(3): 120-122.
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