Modular Prefabricated Warehouse Substation for 110kV Distribution |
You Hengyuan, Qu Dongming, Sun Fupeng |
Qingdao Tgood Electric Co., Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong 266101 |
Abstract There is always a problem about how to solve the realization of urban distribution network system better. With the rapid economic development, it brings us increasing challenges to the construct transformer substations. Therefore, this paper put forward that a modularized prefabricated substation with characteristics of compactedness and full-sealing can be used to solve a series of problems such as electromagnetic or noisy interferences, large area occupied and long constructing cycle, etc, thus to settle the realization of urban distribution network system effectively.
Published: 19 May 2016
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You Hengyuan,Qu Dongming,Sun Fupeng. Modular Prefabricated Warehouse Substation for 110kV Distribution[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(5): 105-108.
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