Design of the New Plate Viewer based on Real Timeinformation Collection |
Cui Yishui, Han Dong, Hou Dianxing, Li Cheng, Zhao Wenlei |
Shandong Dongying Electric Power Supply Company, Dongying, Shandong 257000 |
Abstract The electrical equipment and metering devices nameplate viewer have been studied in this paper. The viewer nameplate information includes an insulating operating rod; information gathering, receiving equipment and connecting devices. The insulating operating rod use insulated operating rod telescopic insulated lever having telescopic adjustment capabilities as the insulating operating rod; the information collection and receiving device use wireless devices; the connecting apparatus use plug with locking function. The nameplateviewer is simple and easy to operate, can ensure the safety of staff and the distance between the charging device, can ensure the safety of personnel and equipment; can ensure the information integrityand accuracy; and also has great promotional value.
Published: 19 May 2016
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Cui Yishui,Han Dong,Hou Dianxing等. Design of the New Plate Viewer based on Real Timeinformation Collection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(5): 115-117.
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