Study on Composite Control Method of Inverter Power Supply System |
Wang Yuenan1, Xu Peng1, Guo Jinnan2, Zhao Bin1 |
1. Changchun University of Technology College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Changchun 130012; 2. Siping Fire Detachment of Jinlin Province, Siping, Jijlin 136000 |
Abstract In this paper, the work principle of dual-loop control method and repetitive control method was studied in details. According to its control characteristics integration, the inverter power supply system compound control model was established. A compound control method based on double closed loop control and repetitive control method of the inverter power supply system was proposed. The experimental results was shown that the compound control method has fast dynamic response, small steady-state error characteristics, achieve the desired effect on the inverter power supply system composite control.
Published: 24 August 2016
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