The Research and Implementation about One Key Operation in CNG Main Station with Two Machine Linkage |
Pang Xiaobo |
NingBo Baosi Energy Equipment Co., Ltd, Fenghua, Zhejing 315500 |
Abstract At present, when the pressure is low, Need to use screw compressor pressure again after a piston compressor compressed into finished products of gas at CNG main station, When start and stop the equipment, the automation is low, Operations are cumbersome, Easy to cause failure; Against the phenomenon of serious analysis and research, then proposes a improving method, mainly put forward to increase “one key operation column”, “intermediate relay” and “one into two isolation grid” and other hardware, at the same time increase the corresponding function in PLC program; screw compressor and piston compressor in the process of starting and stopping relate to each other, realize the just press the “start” or “stop” button starting or stopping purposes; Achieve the effect of a key starting or stopping, operation method is very simple, reduce the occurrence of the accident; Greatly improve the degree of automation and reliability of the system.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Pang Xiaobo. The Research and Implementation about One Key Operation in CNG Main Station with Two Machine Linkage[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 114-118.
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