Research Status and Development Trend of 10kV High Voltage Power Quality On-line Monitoring Device |
Dong Sensen1, Wu Zhenyu2, Gao Zili2, Niu Yugan2, Ping Haitao1 |
1. Pinggao-Yaskawa Switch Appartus Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan, He’nan 467001; 2. Ping dingshan Power Supply Company of State Grid, Pingdingshan, He’nan 467001 |
Abstract The demand for power quality on-line monitoring from high voltage side is increasing day by day. For this situation, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various devices, proposes the development trend (live installation) and core technology, and introduces the domestic and foreign research status of various devices and core components.
Received: 22 September 2016
Published: 22 September 2016
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Dong Sensen,Wu Zhenyu,Gao Zili等. Research Status and Development Trend of 10kV High Voltage Power Quality On-line Monitoring Device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(9): 1-4.
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