Influence on Voltage Deviation of Distribution Network with Photovoltaic Source of Different Penetration |
Liu Haitao |
Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010020 |
Abstract With the photovoltaic source connected to the grid, the distribution network turns from the network with single power supply to that with multi power supply, so the load flow distribution of the distribution network may be changed, and the voltage stability of the distribution network will be affected. On the basis of the above, this paper studys the influence on voltage deviation of the distribution network connected with photovoltaic source of different penetration. Through the EMTDC/PSCAD simulation software, the model of the typical distribution system of 35/0.4kV with photovoltaic source supply is built, and a series of simulation experiments are carried out. Based on a lot of simulation test results, this paper quantitatively analyzes of the influence law about the voltage deviation of distribution network with photovoltaic source connected to different voltage bus and with different penetration.
Received: 22 September 2016
Published: 22 September 2016
Cite this article: |
Liu Haitao. Influence on Voltage Deviation of Distribution Network with Photovoltaic Source of Different Penetration[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(9): 47-50.
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