Investigation of Electromagnetic Pulses Generated by the Laser Shooting based on SG-Ⅲ facility |
Yang Jinwen1, 2, Yang Ming2, Li Tingshuai2, Yi Tao1, Liu Shenye1 |
1. Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900; 2. School of Energy Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731 |
Abstract The interaction between intensive laser and metal targets can yield an extremely significant electromagnetic radiation, which not only has a large intensity and widely bandwidth, but leads to malfunctioning of various important diagnostics systems and the inaccuracy of physical experiment result. This study focus on building a diagnostic system against and outside the target chamber and collecting the pulse signal by designing multiple antennas, which are expected to provide the experimental basis for further investigation of EMP characteristic. Different data processing methods of electric field antennas and magnetic-filed antennas are used to obtain the electromagnetic field distribution inside and outside the target chamber. Multiple data shows that large discone antenna gets the highest signal while ultra wideband dipole antenna gets the lowest signal. It is necessary to make corresponding electromagnetic shielding because the high electromagnetic interference inside and outside the target chamber.
Published: 24 November 2016
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Yang Jinwen,Yang Ming,Li Tingshuai等. Investigation of Electromagnetic Pulses Generated by the Laser Shooting based on SG-Ⅲ facility[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 21-24.
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