Fault Location of Distribution Network with Distributed Generation based on Bat Algorithm |
Li He1, Jin Qinglu2, Gao Shanbo3 |
1. Shandong Jining Power Supply Company, Jining,Shandong 272100; 2. Penglai Power Supply Company, Yantai, Shandong 265600; 3. Jinxiang Power Supply Company, Jining, Shandong 272200 |
Abstract As distributed generations in distribution networks have brought much influence to the fault current, the traditionalfault location method of distribution networks may not work. By building a new evaluation function, the paper puts forward the distribution network fault location method based on the binary bat algorithm with chaotic search strategy.The method can adapt to distributed generationsupply for power flow and topology changes and realizes the distribution network fault location. thebinary bat algorithm with chaotic search strategy isaccurate and provedto be fault tolerant and real time.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Li He,Jin Qinglu,Gao Shanbo. Fault Location of Distribution Network with Distributed Generation based on Bat Algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 34-38.
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