Comprehensive Assessment Method of Wind Power Accommodation Capacity based on Multiple Connection Point’s Collaboration |
Wang Shiqian, Si Ruihua, Sun Sipei |
State Grid He’nan Economic Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450052 |
Abstract Accurately assessing the capability of wind power accommodation of one power grid is conductive to the Healthy and orderly development of wind power industry, avoid the waste of wind resource,enhance the collaborative development level of power grid and power source. Considering the peak regulation, static security, steady voltage stability, transient stability constraints of power system, the paper gives a comprehensive preferred indicator to meet the assessment needs, and then, a comprehensive assessment method of the capability of wind power accommodation of one power grid is proposed, in which contain a number of connection points for wind farms. An actual planning power grid is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Wang Shiqian,Si Ruihua,Sun Sipei. Comprehensive Assessment Method of Wind Power Accommodation Capacity based on Multiple Connection Point’s Collaboration[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 52-55.
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