Study on the Rural Governance Low Voltage Compensation Type based on Fast Switch Series |
Song Xiufang |
Tongzhou Power Supply Company, Beijing 101100 |
Abstract With the rapid rise of the electricity load, power grid low voltage phenomenon increasingly prominent. First of all, the paper compares the different types of low voltage control methods, and emphatically expounds the principle of the series compensation technology of distribution network, analyzes the characteristics and advantages of the technology. Secondly, the construction of the fast switching type series compensation device in series compensation technology is introduced in this paper. Finally a power company under the jurisdiction of Chongwen 10kV line as the object of study of low voltage control effect of fast switching type series compensation device. The results showed that the fast switch type series compensation device in low voltage power to solve the effect is very obvious, it is worthy of further promotion.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Song Xiufang. Study on the Rural Governance Low Voltage Compensation Type based on Fast Switch Series[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 92-94.
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