Design of Dynamic Compensation System for Low-Voltage Grid |
Wu Chongwu1, Yang Gengjie1, Liu Yongsen2, Wang Minghui2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. Nanping Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electrical Company, Nanping, Fujian 353000 |
Abstract This paper designed a dynamic compensation system for the low-voltage grid, which is composed of three phase unbalanced compensator, intelligent Switching-Phase switch and monitoring master station. The compensator and switch can gather the load data of distribution network in real time, and transfer it to the monitoring station via GPRS. The system adjusts the three-phase unbalanced load by two stages. First the system applies the intelligent algorithm to compute the optimal commutation strategy, then changes switch status adjustment by remote control to realize the coarse. Second the three-phase unbalanced compensator determine the load automatically, then change compensation amount and the mode of itself to realize the fine adjustment.
Published: 24 February 2017
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