Wireless Monitoring and Early Warning Devices for SF6 Leakage Defect |
Jin Haiwang, Lu Dejun, Wang Zhanwei, Dong Chunchao, Wei Zheng |
Jibei Electric Power Maintenance Company, Beijing 102488 |
Abstract For the equipment which has SF6 gas leakage defect in the in plant station, wireless monitoring and early warning devices for SF6 leakage defect were developed, and the early warning for reducing of SF6 equipment pressure was developed in by setting the specified pressure value and air leakage rate. At the same time, through consulting SF6 pressure value in the device, the ability of controlling the device which had given alarm increased. In this paper the principle and structure were described, mainly including the overall design and manufacturing technology of the devices, technical parameters and application safety of components and so on. By making butt joints of different SF6 equipment, directly installing and using with voltage on SF6 devices with different voltage grades and different types were realized, and it was safe and reliable.
Published: 21 March 2017
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Jin Haiwang,Lu Dejun,Wang Zhanwei等. Wireless Monitoring and Early Warning Devices for SF6 Leakage Defect[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 148-151.
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