Research on Frequency Adaptive Algorithm of Pumped Storage Unit based on Measured Signal |
Cheng Shiming1, Guo Mingyu2, He Rufei1 |
1. Guangdong Energy Storage Power Generation Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510950; 2. Wuhan Zhongyuan Huadian Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430223 |
Abstract According to the time frequency analysis of the measured data of start-up operation of pumped storage units, a frequency adaptive algorithm is proposed to measure the startup characteristics and operating characteristics of pumped storage units. For the accurate calculation of pumped storage units of the voltage and current values under various operating conditions, at the same time for the process in the signal fluctuation in the proposed filtering method of non-periodic component, and the algorithm is applied to fault recorder in the recording and analysis software, the simulation results show that the method of anti-jamming, high precision measurement and can meet the requirements of the practical application of frequency measurement.
Published: 19 April 2017
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Cheng Shiming,Guo Mingyu,He Rufei. Research on Frequency Adaptive Algorithm of Pumped Storage Unit based on Measured Signal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 106-109.
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