Layout and Optimization Suggestion of Prefabricated Secondary Equipment in Smart Substation |
Liu Li1, Zhang Nan1, Zhang Song1, Nie Wenhai1, Wang Guopeng2 |
1. State Grid JIBEI Electric Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100038; 2. State Grid JIBEI PowerCompany Limited, Beijing 100052 |
Abstract Modular smart substation through the use of prefabricated modules to achieve the modular production of secondary equipment, greatly reduce the scene of the second wiring, reduce the design, construction, commissioning workload, and shorten the construction period. But in the process of project implementation, there are many problems, such as repetitive protective treatment of the cabin body and screen, low-utilization of cabin space, complexity of cabins wiring, renovation and expansion difficulties and so on. In this paper, a prefabricated secondary composite rack structure is proposed for 110kV smart substation. Rack structure can be installed easily, flexible configuration and taking into account the space utilization and maintenance convenience. The scheme improves the connection mode of cabin secondary circuit by improving the layout of cabin module, and realize the integrated design of smart substation's space, function, operation and maintenance, which makes the construction of substation go towards a road of high technology content, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution and streamline construction.
Published: 28 June 2017
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Liu Li,Zhang Nan,Zhang Song等. Layout and Optimization Suggestion of Prefabricated Secondary Equipment in Smart Substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 111-115.
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