Research on Asymmetric Mixed Cascade Multi-level Inverter Modulation Method |
Wang Pengshuai, Han Rucheng |
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Electronics and Information Engineering, Taiyuan 030024 |
Abstract Asymmetric mixed cascade multi-level inverter has the advantage of output more level grades in the same number of basic units cascaded,And since the linking unit at various levels using different switching device, can give full play to the advantages of the advantages of the devices of different switching. This article based on a novel cascade multi-level inverter topology, had further improvements for its topology and had in-depth research in asymmetric hybrid cascade topology circuit. Given asymmetric mixed cascade multilevel new level inverter topology circuit to explore with suitable modulation method, especially given the method of calculation of the firing angle of the ladder wave modulation. Finally, the correctness and superiority of the modulation method is verified by simulation.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Wang Pengshuai,Han Rucheng. Research on Asymmetric Mixed Cascade Multi-level Inverter Modulation Method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 31-35.
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