Fuzzy Prediction of Temperature for an Electric Power Gallery based on an Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology |
Lin Yuhan |
Xiamen Red Phase Instruments Inc., Xiamen, Fujian 361000 |
Abstract To monitoring the global temperatures of the high voltage electric power gallery, a fuzzy prediction method is proposed by using an infrared thermal imaging technology in this paper. Firstly, the temperature of the key electrical equipment embed in the gallery are detected by multi- infrared detectors. Secondly, the temperature prediction model is built by fuzzy theory using these real-time tested temperatures. What’s more, this model is applied to predict the temperature variation of an electric power gallery among the period of 60 minutes. The experimental result shows that the relative errors of the sampling areas are less than 0.735% and the mean absolute errors of the predicted values are less than 0.135℃. In a word, our suggested method is qualified to temperature monitoring of the electric power gallery automatically, which has an application value to electric power overhaul.
Published: 18 August 2017
Cite this article: |
Lin Yuhan. Fuzzy Prediction of Temperature for an Electric Power Gallery based on an Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(8): 65-68.
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