Ultrasonic Inverter Power Supply based on DELTA Inverter |
Han Shuchen |
Sinopec Petroleum Engineer Institute of Technology, Dongying, Shandong 257000 |
Abstract According to the working style of oil sucking machine, DELTA Inverter has been used in Ultrasonic Inverter Power Supply, parallel connected DELTA Inverter compensate the output voltage of the main Inverter, it’s effective to compensate the wave distortion resulted from switch components’ dead time. It assume the DSP as the core controller, output two ways of PWM waves, to control the IPM modules according to the signals feedbacked. The experiments results proved that this Ultrasonic Inverter Power Supply could optimize the output voltage of main inverter, reduce the distortion rate,and have good prospect of application.
Published: 26 June 2014
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