Economic Optimization Scheduling of Active Power Distribution Network based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm |
Xie Jiuxia |
Dongying Vocational Institute, Dongying, Shangdong 257000 |
Abstract In allusion toeconomic dispatch problem of distributed energy access to power distribution network, considering the photovoltaic, wind energy, gas turbine and battery,this paperestablish aneconomic optimization scheduling model, which objective function is minimum total cost of the active power distribution network. Use Particle Swarm Optimizationalgorithm to solve the dispatch problem. Finally, by an example policy to validate the optimization of economic dispatch, and improve the economic benefit of power grid.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Xie Jiuxia. Economic Optimization Scheduling of Active Power Distribution Network based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 15-18.
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