Analysis and Prevention of Relay Protection Caused by Abnormal Acquisition Unit |
Zeng Weihua, Shi Fei, Su Jianming |
Tongling Power Supply Company, Anhui Electric Power Corporation, Tongling, Anhui 244000 |
Abstract Based on the excellent performance of the electronic transformer, the transformers of the transformer have been widely used. The photoelectric conversion of the weak current signals of the transformers needs to be arranged in situ. This paper analyzes a relay protection chain operation process, Digital simulation technology, the use of high and low temperature conditions in the dynamic model test to prove that the type of electronic transformer acquisition unit in the high temperature and low temperature conditions, the output signal is extremely prone to output anomalies. On this basis is given a specific solution, Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is reliable and effective, and can effectively identify the anomaly data of this type of electronic transformer acquisition unit by introducing data anomaly blocking criterion in the protection logic function to solve the relay protection malfunction caused by acquisition abnormality.
Published: 20 September 2017
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Zeng Weihua,Shi Fei,Su Jianming. Analysis and Prevention of Relay Protection Caused by Abnormal Acquisition Unit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(9): 89-92.
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