Flexibility Fault Generating Device of Physical Simulation System for Distribution Network |
Lin Aolin1, Guo Moufa1, Gao Wei1, Huang Jianye2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou 350007 |
Abstract Design of flexibility fault generating device in physical simulation system for distribution network has been proposed, to overcome the previous fault generating device's shortcomings of mechanical contact bounce and uncontrollable fault initial phase. Since the device combines the phase angle of line voltage detected by zero-crossing comparator in physical simulation system, it can control trigger time of thyristor to ensure precise control of fault initial phase. Because of the thyristor's microsecond-conduction-time and excellent dynamic characteristic, the controlling accuracy of fault initial phase and transient state similarity with actual fault waveform has been improved. This method is verified by experiment in physical simulation system for distribution network and equivalent simulation based on PSCAD/EMTDC. Results show that the device can preserve transient characteristic of short-circuit fault well and has high controlling accuracy of fault initial phase.
Published: 06 December 2017
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Lin Aolin,Guo Moufa,Gao Wei等. Flexibility Fault Generating Device of Physical Simulation System for Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 18-24.
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