Analysis on the Regulation Strategy of Three Phase Unbalanced Distribution Transformers |
Liu Xiaojiang, Liao Wenlong, Yao Xiao, Gong Yiyu |
State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Chengdu 610072 |
Abstract The problem of three-phase unbalance exists in the distribution network, which increases the distribution line loss and decreases operational economy directly. This paper aims the goal of the implementation of three-phase load optimal adjustment, makes full use of the electricity distribution network data acquisition system resources, establishes an practical analysis model of three-phase unbalance, analyses the characteristics of distribution transformer of the low-voltage-side three-phase current deeply, and makes the optimal adjustment scheme, finally determines the three-phase optimum current adjustment coefficient, minimizes the loss caused by the additional unbalance. This method overcomes the shortcomings of previous empirical method for three-phase unbalance regulation which is uncontrollable, and provides a method of solving three-phase unbalance problem for the basic maintenance personnel. This method can make large-scale computer automatic analysis come trueThe final example shows that this method have good practicability.
Published: 06 December 2017
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Liu Xiaojiang,Liao Wenlong,Yao Xiao等. Analysis on the Regulation Strategy of Three Phase Unbalanced Distribution Transformers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 87-90.
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