Arc Fault Detection based on Wavelet Transform and Difference-energy |
Liu Chong, Li Jiahong |
School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061 |
Abstract Because of the low current value of series arc fault in AC low voltage circuits and the normal current of some power electronic loads is similar to arc fault current, it is difficult to diagnose the series arc fault accurately. This paper presents a method of series arc fault analysis and diagnosis based on the wavelet transform and difference-energy. Mallat method is used to decompose the signals which are denoised by the wavelet threshold principle. Extract the layers in multi-resolution analysis results which contain much arc fault information and are not affected by the loads frequency for wavelet reconstruction. Then we apply the difference-energy method to diagnosis the signals after reconstruction. The accuracy of the algorithm is verified by the self-made experimental equipment.
Published: 22 January 2018
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