Study on anti condensation design of charging equipment for electric vehicles |
Gao Qingyong, Fang Xiangcheng, Chen Weiming, Liu Yanmin, Wang Xiaolei |
XJ Power Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract Charging facilities for electric vehicles are directly installed outside. Condensation phenomenon would occur on the surface of charging facilities with rapidly changing of ambient temperature and humidity. The mechanism of dewing and harm of dew to electrical equipments in high humidity enviroment are studied in this paper. Four design shcemes for charging facilities are improved to solve the problem of dewing. Simulation test of condensation is accomplished by using high-low temperature chamber. The effect of four design schemes is tested and anlyzed to find the best anti condensation scheme. Safety and reliability of internal electrical equipments are effectively guaranteed. The design scheme has important guiding significance for anti condensation design of similar outdoor products.
Received: 29 June 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Gao Qingyong,Fang Xiangcheng,Chen Weiming等. Study on anti condensation design of charging equipment for electric vehicles[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 50-52.
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