Research and implementation of optical fiber fluorescence contact temperature measurement system |
Sun Yan |
Fujian Academy of Metrology, Fuzhou 350003 |
Abstract In this paper, the optical path and circuit of the optical fiber fluorescence temperature measuring system have been optimally designed, based on the fluorescence lifetime measurement mechanism. In order to improve the accuracy of system detection, the compensation method of fluorescence life is discussed and the fuzzy compensation method is selected for data processing. Finally, the whole temperature measurement system is verified by the experimental platform, and results show that optical fiber fluorescence temperature detection system has good temperature measurement performance and practical engineering value.
Received: 10 August 2017
Published: 07 February 2018
Cite this article: |
Sun Yan. Research and implementation of optical fiber fluorescence contact temperature measurement system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 49-53.
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