The control strategy for megawatt level bidirectional inverter of metro brake energy feedback |
Su Xianjin1,2 |
1. Xiamen Kehua Hengsheng Co., Ltd, Xiamen, Fujian 361000; 2. Fuzhou University-Kehua Hengsheng Power Electronics Technology Research Center, Fuzhou 350116; |
Abstract The bidirectional energy feedback logic and its control strategy are the critical parts of the megawatt class subway brake energy feedback system. The design rationality affects the feedback and operation reliability of the Metro braking energy. The energy flow of the bidirectional inverter under different voltage such as the start and stop of the inverter and rectifierare analyzed; a three-phase SVPWM control with neutral potential balance is adopted to realize the inverter fed power to grid connected, the voltage loop limited amplitude PI controller, the current loop is a PI controller with bus voltage feed-forward, it can effectively improve the system reliability and anti-interference ability. To suppress the inductance current sampling and the reactive power compensation deviation, the power limited control is implemented to realize the correction of power factor. Finally, the feasibility of bidirectional feedback logic and its control strategy are verified by an experimental prototype of rated power 1MW and applicable to 2MW brake energy Metro units.
Received: 29 June 2017
Published: 19 March 2018
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Su Xianjin. The control strategy for megawatt level bidirectional inverter of metro brake energy feedback[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 49-54.
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